How much is my personal injury pain and suffering worth?

After an accident, when a personal injury lawsuit is filed on your behalf, Texas law allows you to recover for your injuries, also referred to as damages.  There are two major categories of recoverable damages—economic and noneconomic losses.  Economic losses are those which result in a calculable, financial loss as a result of your accident.  Economic losses can include lost income, property damage, medical bills, and other direct out-of-pocket expenses.  Non-economic damages, however, are a bit more difficult to define and include injuries such as pain and suffering, emotional distress, and loss of enjoyment of activities.

Unlike economic losses, which can be supported with receipts, medical bills, and affidavits, non-economic damages do not have a set method for calculating value.  Instead, an experienced personal injury lawyer will solicit testimony during depositions and trial as to the emotional and physical impact the injury had on you and your loved one’s life.

For many, the most catastrophic injuries sustained as a result of another’s negligence are those classified as non-economic losses.  Those involved in an accident will likely suffer pain and discomfort every day associated with their injuries. This pain manifests itself in many ways and often leads to difficulties at work, decreased time enjoying hobbies, or decreased interaction and time with family and friends.  What is more, these decreases in enjoyment of life often lead to depression or depression-like symptoms.

Our experienced Central Texas lawyers know the impact an accident has on your day-to-day life.  This knowledge allows our team to obtain the testimony and other evidence necessary to demonstrate to the jury the significant and lasting impact the pain you are experiencing has on your daily life, as well as the impact of your injuries on your family’s life.  When this testimony and evidence is obtained, many insurance companies and their lawyers then feel the pressure to resolve your case, as the amount of non-economic damages to award is generally left to the jury to decide.

No matter the type or severity of an accident, it is important to engage a lawyer early in the process.  Through integrity, strength, and proven results, our team is ready to help you on the road to recovery.  Contact us today and let’s discuss your case and how we can help.